Ecodis likes and support 30 ecological and solidarity projects
To respect persons and peoples, to promote balanced relationships between countries and an environmentally responsible global development are some of the strong values of Ecodis. They are concretely applied through the support for ecological and solidarity projects.
Every year, subject to the profits, around 0.5% of the turn-over is allocated to projects supporting people in distress in France or to ecological and fair development abroad. Here are some of the projects supported in 2018:

The network “Semences paysannes”
This association network is committed in the recognition of farmer seeds that are essential to maintain biodiversity of cultivated crops. They are also essential to the transition towards an agro-ecological system which respects terroirs, environment and farmers.

In conjunction with Microsol, Ecodis offset the 749 tonnes of CO2 emitted by its activity by financing the diffusion of improved baking ovens, i.e. reducing wood consumption by 50%. This gain is particularly valuable in the Guatemalan mountain area targeted by this programme, as it is one of the poorest regions in the country.

« Terre de Liens » foundation
Recognized to be of public utility, the Terre de Liens foundation buys farmhouses and agricultural lands in order to rent them to organic farmers who are looking for lands. Main objectives of the foundation are to facilitate the access to lands, the farms’ transmission and the new projects emergence.

Climactions Bretagne Sud
To counteract global warming, the association Climactions has decided to unify citizen energy to propose concrete and local solutions, as the planting of 1000 trees on a field.

Utopia 56
This association is helping refugees in Calais, Paris and Grande Synthe by bringing food help, clothes, blankets, cares… the minimum of dignity.

Primary school Ecolojah
Supported every year by Ecodis, this school has the particularity to introduce the children to organic gardening on top of usual subjects. At every new-school year some children are refused due to the success of the exam at the end of the year. The excellent reputation of the school has spreaf aroung Ouidah area.

Centre Akany Aina at Madagascar
This center has welcomed since 1997 children who have great difficulties. Akany Aina means cradle of life in Malgasy language. Ecodis fund is contributing to train educational teams as well as works to improve the school.

L’art prend la rue
This association is gathering fans or urban art, all driven by the idea that this art is the connection between citizen and society. Ecodis has supported a jam of urban art in Vannes and from this meeting was born the project of streestart inside the company

Les passeurs d’images et de sons
This association is developing a project of citizen-TV with the spread of documentaries dedicated to wide audience. The objective is to valorize inhabitants and territories and their diversity.