Our story
The story begins in 2000 in Brittany when Didier Le Gars created Ecodis. The company is specialized in designing and distributing ecoproducts… More

The Endowment fund
Ecodyssée is an Endowment Fund created on 1st January 2017. The entire capital of Ecodis is now held by this non-profit legal entity. It is the first time in France!… More

The warehouse
Ecodis building is located inside the Qualiparc-labelled « parc d’activités de Kerboulard » in Saint-Nolff, commune of the Morbihan Gulf Regional Park… More

Ecodis and streetart
After meeting the association L’art prend la rue, Ecodis has decided to get artists to move into the heart of the company… More

Program Zéro CO2
To decrease CO2 emissions due to human activities is a vital challenge for humanity. We have decided to do our best within our capacity… More