Ecodis has been helping its customers for many years in the Zero Waste initiative, offering them long-lasting and reusable products, free from useless packaging.

Making your own products
Whether for a natural cleaning, for the kitchen or even for body washing, Ecodis has developed products and containers which enables you to prepare your own homemade cleaning products. These ones are made of basic, natural and biodegradable ingredients, reducing the environmental impact.
This approach avoids buying frequently plastic containers and limits the transport of predominantly water-based liquid products. It also allows you to save a bundle! More: www.la-droguerie-eco.com

Buying food in bulk
A Zero Waste approach involves different steps, such as buying food in bulk at shop or market. In order to reduce food carrying (fruit, vegetables, pasta, rice, etc.) in plastic bags -even if they are compostable- or in paper-based and reusable (few times) bags, Ecodis has developed a wide range of long-lasting and eco-friendly containers, whether they are cotton-based small bags, shopping or net bag in organic cotton, or glass jars/vials/bottles. Ecodis works using inert and long-lasting materials to get rid of disposable packaging when you are doing the shopping. These items can also be used at home to store your products. More: www.ah-table.com

Switching to multi-purpose products
Bicarbonate, vinegar, soda, citric acid, neutral cleaning base… with these simple, concentrated, odourless and multi-purpose few products, you can put order in your household cleaning stuff and I your bathroom. Now is the end of miracle products, only usable for ultra-specific purposes! With some well-chosen products, we are able to reduce our carbon footprint on the environment, to reduce our waste and to have a healthy way of life.